Thursday, May 28, 2009

When the trees look orange...

You know it’s time to lie supine
In the grass, even though the sign says GO!
And tambourine brandishing swine
Dance round you in the ascending snow.

You know super sized kitty cats
Fixed to flocks of honking balloons
Mewling like prehistoric bats
Can’t exist outside Saturday morning cartoons.

You know rubber duckies shouldn’t be intimidating
When squeaking by, and decide you must have died
Cuz everyone’s wearing glass slippers and stomping
Their feet like sex-crazed elephants rushing poolside.

You know this, overcome by bliss,
And chose to embrace it…but miss.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sandman's Hourglass

The sifting of sand between two faces
Prevents trade like silly putty bridges
And leaves the taste of distilled adolescence
Vacillating between chapped lips.

The sifting of sand between two faces
Traces a veil of glistening blankets
Over the eyelids of slumbering infants
Reaching for wellsprings within the darkness.